Xmas no.1 & hair pulling
Am I pulling my hair out? No. I don't need to. My little one does it for me. Literally. He has always liked playing with my hair, a comfort of sorts. Just of late though, he's been proper pulling, ripping out clumps. Which is especially painful when my hair is tied up. It's usually when I'm trying to get him to sleep and need to stay calm, so not the best time for hair pulling to happen.
It's okay though, if my son didn't pull it out I probably would do it myself, with everything going on in this world it's a struggle not to stress. Yet, something that has managed to lift my spirits was that I've seen ‘LadBaby’ (aka. Mark Hoyle) is doing it! He is going for a 4th Xmas number one on the bounce. Yes mate! Has to be done. Not the best singer Mark but Rox (his lovely wife) more than makes up for his inability to stay in tune. With all the bad in this world, which is plentiful, a silly Christmas number by a genuinely sincere couple raising money for the food bank charity, the Trussell Trust, is a humble elixir. Giving us hope that this year can end on a positive note, even if slightly out of key. (Mark). *Cough Cough*
I've been watching ‘LadBaby’ on YouTube ever since he made his first 'toolbox-lunchbox'. Absolute genius by the way. Just a normal, down to earth couple and very funny. (Well, Rox is funny). But seriously, if you watch their videos, you’ll probably agree that Mark and Rox remind us all each week that there is good in this world. That there are positive people willing to help those in need. With 11 years of Tories in power, austerity and cuts, this country now has more food banks than it does McDonald's, the highest NHS waiting list since records began and 5.1% inflation with stagnant wages. All while the rich have been lining their pockets and their stomachs. So I say to them: F*** off with your second job bollocks, stick your private school fees and luxury holidays, we got sausage rolls on our side mate!
The privileged few that run the country don't have the faintest idea what's it's like to worry about going without. Giving to charity is great but in all honesty it shouldn't be needed. I wish we lived in a world where Mark Hoyle didn't need to bring out a new Christmas single in order to feed the nation. I wish that we lived in a world where it didn't take a footballer like Marcus Rashford speaking out on social media to improve children's school meals. It's sort of unbelievable when you think about, that there are people in the UK now, that are in work yet living in poverty. How can that be?
I could go on about this, normally I do. However, in the spirit of ‘LadBaby’ we are channelling positive vibes today.
Normal people have the power when we stand united. So, let's get together now, stick our fingers up at the Government and feed the nation this Christmas. Even if you don't like ‘LadBaby’, even if not particularly Christmassy (like me) or vegan (like me) get your sausage rolls out. Even Ed and Elton are getting involved. Pre-order the song! Or skip the song altogether and donate directly to the Trussell Trust. Or any charity close to your heart. 'Cause that is what it's all about.
Wishing everyone a very 'Yes Mate' Christmas.