How far from home...

How far from home must we be?

You lose our bodies in the sea.

Strip away the bureaucracy

And tell me what it is you see

Freezing rain shoots through skin like glass

Lives wrecked and families shattered

Thundering waves relentlessly attack

Should they give in? Should they turn back?

The cold creeps over like a deadly plague

The winds to sweep you to your grave

Had there been a safer way

Perhaps they would not have died today

Doomed to roam the land alone

Seeking nothing but a home

For it was ruthlessly snatched away

But this is not about who to blame

To risk everything in the hope of better

To put a child in such danger

Not a decision one makes lightly

To cross the cemetery from France to Blightly

So climb down from your ivory tower

It's not about politics, borders, power

We could have helped them

But instead we turned our backs

Where is the humanity you seem to lack?

Described as the desperate, the fearful, No.

I say they were the brave

All they have now is how far they came

And we do not even know their name

Us all so lucky cause of where we were born,

nothing more

Arms folded while we frown and scorn


Let's build a system based on safety and protection

To value Dignity, Respect and Compassion


Lying with a grin


Things we could all do without: