Have we had enough of ‘em yet?

Food banks should not exist.

Before you get mad at me, think about it. If only people in work could afford to do simple things. Such as, I don't know.... f*cking eat! THEN we would have no need for food banks would we?

Food banks in a country like the UK aren't something to be proud of. They represent the embarrassing reality of where 11 years of Tory austerity leads.

Don't blame COVID.

Don't blame the War in Ukraine.

Things were bad before then and they're getting worse. A cost of living crisis underway. Prices up. Taxes up. Inflation up. Wages stagnant. Energy bills sky rocketing while utility companies are creaming their pants. Yet the rest of Europe, also effected by the virus and the War, haven't seen that same rise in bills. How Interesting? Almost as if the Tories are lying to us about the real cause of the shit situation we find ourselves in.

Lying? That doesn't sound like them, does it?

Well, let's see...

They said there was no party.

Oh wait. Hang on.

Well, they didn't know it was a party... no, that doesn't work.

Brexit means £350m more for the NHS.

Shit. That doesn't quite add up either.

What about the 40 new hospitals?


NHS not for sale. Hmmm.

Based on my calculations, we're all incredibly f*cked.

Food banks are set up by charities; ordinary people and volunteers in spite of this government. People are having to pick up the slack as the government have failed to do the job they were elected to do. Though, to say that this Government have failed would be ever so slightly inaccurate, as it implies they 'tried' to help to begin with. They didn't, and they won't. Why? Because they do not care.

I have sports Bras that offer more support than this Tory government, and my boobs spend most of the time in line with my belly button, swinging around like a Newton's Cradle.

Food banks aren't the only achievement of Tory Britain. To continue a depressingly long list let's look into this week's latest addition: Fire and rehire. It would seem that the Brexit promise which sought to protect UK workers, to prevent them being undercut by cheaper labour, was a utter fallacy.

P&O ferries maliciously fired 800 workers via a pre-recorded zoom call without notice. Replacing them with cheaper agency staff. The Rail, Maritime and Transport Union claimed the agency staff are being paid as low as £1.80 an hour.

This is the fire and rehire. What have our Government done about it? A big fat nothing. In many ways they facilitated it. Having created a culture of insecure work that doesn't pay, where the interest of a business is put above that of its workers.

Have YOU had enough of ‘em yet?


Waiting for the Spring Statement


Scary times